Saturday, August 30, 2008

Go Big Red!!

Nebraska opens the season tonight with a game against Western Michigan!
Go BO!
And our hometown boy....#23 Lance Thorell at Cornerback!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Amen, Sister!

Addie is getting more frustrated with Luke all the time because when she's playing he's right there ready to mess it all up. She asked me why we ever had to have Luke. Then at lunch she prayed "Please don't bring us any more babies. Luke is enough!"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Luke, a very full fish, and Singing Babies

Luke fed the fish for me on Saturday......

It looks like a snow globe after you shake it.....
The girls made some money at a lemonade stand on Saturday so we went to Dollar General yesterday to find some treasures. They wanted to get something for Luke so they picked out a DVD called "Singing Babies". It was on $0.20 (Big sale over at DG!!) and it is worth every penny. It's hilarious!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

1st Day of 1st Grade!

Emma went back to school today! She gets to ride the bus to Funk which is about 15 miles away. She is still a Loomis Wolf though! The Loomis High School was torn down in May so a new one could be built. All the 7-12 students are now in the elementary school and the K-6 students are bussed to Funk each day for class. The school should be complete by Christmas. She is most excited about the bus ride!

She picked out her own outfit and the headband is her favorite - a gift from Aunt Anna.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

I'm 37!...or maybe 22?!?

How many of you tried this? And did you do it more than once? The first time I got a 37, but then tried it a few more times. I think a low score is better than a high score. When I did my best I got a 22. Keep Trying....
Try this!!
This test will tell you if your brain is as old as your body.
The site doesn't know your age, but it will tell you the age of your brain power.
The website is at the bottom. Once you get there you won't be able to read the Japanese instructions, so follow these instructions:
1. Touch 'start'
2. The numbers 3 then 2 then 1 will pop up on the screen.
Immediately following the number 1, several numbers will flash on the screen for barely one second.
3. Memorize the numbers' position on the screen, then click the circles from the SMALLEST NUMBER TO THE BIGGEST NUMBER.
4. At the end of game, the computer will tell you in years, how old your brain is.Sounds complicated but it's really easy.
Think fast.
Let me know how you do!

Am I a bad mom?

Is Easy Cheese an appropriate snack? They found it at the grocery store the other day and HAD to have it. Last time I looked they were spraying it directly down their throats.....


It's Coming Along....

Looking at the house from the west.
Dining room/Kitchen windows:
Can you see Loomis in the distance?

East side:

Front of the house (it faces north):

Garage (faces west)Another view of the garage with the sheeting on: Southwest corner:
South side:
Front of house with the beginning of the roof:
East side with beginning of the roof:

Friday, August 15, 2008

House Pictures

Stairway pictures:

Walk out basement wall:
Two windows with a sliding glass door that will go into family room.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

House Updates

Pouring the floor:

Garage floor:
Looking into basement:
Emma by her bedroom window:
Luke in his bedroom:
Basement walls:

Scavenger Hunt

Our Bunko group went on a Scavenger Hunt last Thursday. Lots of Laughs!! We had list of several places and items we had to find. We took pictures of each with our digital cameras and then shared our findings at Joni's. Here are some of the things we had to find....

A sign with Joni's name on it:
The Mayor's house:

These houses that sit about an inch apart:

This horse and carriage:

The Henry Erickson wall:
Sam Schrock block:
Mr. Ed (he's back there somewhere):

Bob King's signature (local newspaper reporter)
If you're from Holdrege or grew up here, you know what a treat this is!!

a banana:
The door that leads to nowhere:
A Playboy:
This hair salon....long story....but so funny to those who know it!!