Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Balloons are everywhere!!
Addie got a Butterfly Barbie.

Luke won't be getting any dates for Valentine's Day with this shirt.
No one wants a guy that still lives at home! And doesn't wear any pants for that matter.
Luke and his puppy.

Emma got a Webkinz Love Frog.

Let me start off by saying - these pictures are not in the order I would have liked them to be in. Why can't I paste and copy? Is there a way to arrange pictures in the order I want? Someone Please Help!!
The kiddos and their sick dad.

He got this tractor and trailer from Great Grandpa and Grandma Price
and the animals from Addie.

Happy 1st Birthday, Luke!

Don't you love the hats?
Since Joe was sick with influenza, we had to cancel his party with extended family. Thank goodness Luke doesn't understand. Emma was very upset about not being able to have the party.

Here is got a semi and trailor.

This is a Zebra Bounce and Spin. It was hard for him to do it himself, but he loved it when Emma helped him out.

John Deere cake for Luke!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sorry, no pictures yet.

I know you're dying to see my cute kids :) but I haven't had a chance to get pics on here yet. We had a busy day of celebrating Valentine's Day. I am a room mom for Emma's Kindergarten class and we had her party this afternoon. It was fun. We made some sand art pictures and had Valentine cookies. Then they opened Valentine's and we sent them home wired and obnoxious from all the candy. When we got home, Addie was waiting for us so she could open her present - a Butterfly Barbie thing. Emma got a Frog Webkinz and Luke got the cutest talking dog from Hallmark. He loves it. (I will post pictures of this soon, too.) Joe's parents visited and we visited my parents for more presents. At school, Emma is learning about President's Day. After getting all these gifts today she asked if she'd get more on President's Day. She asked the same thing about Groundhog's Day last week. Do you think my kids are a little too spoiled with all the gifts they get??!?!?! You may have noticed I didn't mention a date with my hubby. Joe has influenza. He's better than he was on Tuesday, but still not the best. We are all on medication so that we don't get sick or, if we do, it won't hit us quite as bad.
Have a good night!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let's give this a whirl.....

Here is my first attempt at the Blog-world. I hope to add many pictures to keep you - my family and friends - up to date on what's new in our lives. I just recently started browsing through and reading various blogs and have felt very inspired to try it out.
Check back periodically for new on the Loomis Larsons.
Maybe I should tell you why this is named "Loomis Larsons".
When Emma was 3 1/2 or 4 she would sign her name Emma Loomis Larson. By the way, Loomis is the town we live in. I guess she wanted to make sure everyone knew she was from the LOOMIS Larsons as opposed to the Holdrege Larsons or the Loomis Johnsons. It just came to me when I started thinking about a name.
Be back soon! I have pictures of Luke's 1st Birthday to share with you!
Until Next Time....