Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Fun with Binoculars

We took the kids to CNPPD's hydroelectric plant on Sunday afternoon to see bald eagles. On a good day you can see several bald eagles and maybe even see one grab a fish out of the water.
Joe helped the girls with their binoculars and told them where to look so they could see an eagle.
Emma found a few way down there but the eagles weren't doing much. Just sitting in the trees. It was pretty cold on Sunday. Emma loves this kind of stuff, and she really liked it even if she didn't see any eagles up close.
She clearly was not looking for the eagles. And really didn't care!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Top 10 Reasons I Haven't Been Blogging

In no particular order....

Number 10:
We moved to our new house!!
Number 9:
Disney on Ice in Kearney
Emma, Addie, and I went to the show back in December. The girls LOVED it! If you know Addie, you know she loves everything Disney Princess. And all the princesses were there. This picture shows each one dancing with their prince.
Bruce the Shark from Finding Nemo.
It's a Small World After All
Did I mention the girls loved it?? This is how they looked the entire time:
I realize Emma is not smiling and looks bored, but she was very intently taking it all in.
Number 8:
Here is Christmas with my family.
Emma, Addie, Luke, Jeffrey and Samuel

Luke ready to eat with Great-Aunt Dorothy and Great-Grandma Doris.
Addie was in heaven when she opened this gift!
All of Disney Princesses in one box!
Emma had the best reaction when she opened this Webkinz from Anna.
Luke got a 4-wheeler. He has put a ton of miles on it already.

Christmas Morning at our house.
The girls love Littlest Pet Shop!

Luke loves anything John Deere.

Chirstmas with Joe's family.
Emma and Addie got these cool memo boards from Aunt Carrie.
A John Deere hat for Luke!
Emma, Addie, and Luke with Wes, Ben, and Graham

Number 4:
New Year's Eve Party
This was taken close to midnight. They all made it for the big countdown!
Steph and Nancy
Kendra and me
me, Joni, and Leigh
All the guys were there, too, but didn't get any pictures of them.
Number 5:

I signed up for Facebook a few months ago and am now putting myself through Facebook rehab. This was the most addicting thing I've ever done! It was fun to catch up with old friends, but in the meantime all of my "blog followers" (you know, the 4 of you) were being neglected.
I'm so sorry about that!
Number 6:
The Bachelor is on!
I also love watching American Idol, The Biggest Loser, and True Beauty. AND we now have DVR. Wow! How did I survive without it? I can record all my shows and watch them after the kids go to bed. I am loving it!! By the way, I'm guessing the final two are Naomi and Jillian.
Bachelor Jason:

Number 7:

School started!
Since we now live in the country, Emma gets to ride the bus everyday. This is what she was most excited about when we decided to build a house. She gets on at 7:15am and is home by 3:50pm. Second one on, second one off.

Number 8:
Luke has been writing on the walls.
Look how proud he is of his masterpiece.
Thank goodness for Magic Erasers!!

Number 9 :
Luke and Cousin Samuel
Addie and Cousin Jeffrey
Addie and Emma with Cousin Graham
Addie and her friend from preschool, Georgia. They played dress-up all afternoon.
Can't you just see the embarrassment on Addie's face?

Number 10:
I've been decorating my house with Uppercase Living.
I promised Joe I wouldn't put this in every single room of the house.
But I did get these up last weekend.
It's hard to see, but it says "Welcome To Our" about Home. I just ordered a lighter color to replace it. This is by our fireplace and you see it when you walk in the front door.
In the playroom downstairs A picture of the girls' bathroom

This is upstairs by the TV area
In Luke's bedroom
In Luke's bathroom

I will show you more pictures of the house later. I still have little projects to do around the house - organize the store room, make curtains, paint furniture, get pictures hung, knick knacks scattered around the house, etc. I'll keep you updated and it won't take me 2 months, promise!