Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Luke's birthday, farming, and dancing

Luke's Birthday Party
John Deere Tractor Ice Cream Cake
Aunt Erin, Aunt Anna, and Cousin Jeffrey

Grandpa Jeff playing with the kids.

Just hauling some Cascade to the elevator....
this was quickly replaced with some rocks!

Dancing to his Valentine Day Card.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Birthday Luke!

Two years ago, this little guy was born
Monday, February 12, 2007
Luke Stephen Larson
4 days old
1 month
6 months
1 year
18 months
2 years old
I love you Lukie!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentines, Tummies, and Tortillas

The girls and I have never made "homemade" Valentines so I thought it would be fun to do that this year. (I must have forgotten to take my meds the day I decided this!) Last week they picked what they wanted to make, Saturday we made a trip to Kearney for supplies, and Sunday we created. Emma made ipods and Addie made heart-shaped crayons. For the record, these were not my creations. We found them in the magazine Family Fun. I love this magazine. There are fun crafts, recipes, parenting articles. Look into it!

For ipods, you start with a box of candy hearts. We also went to the Family Fun website for the templates of the front of the ipod that Emma already cut out.

We taped 2 Reece's Peanut Butter Cups to pieces of yarn for the earphones and then taped the yarn to the box.

Then we covered the boxes in red paper and glued on the templates. You'll have to look at the picture close-up to see the song titles.
All done and ready for the party!
For Addie's project we started by peeling the paper off crayons.

Even Luke got into this! His favorite part was making a big mess!
We filled the heart shaped muffin tin with the crayons and put them in the oven for 15 minutes at 250 degrees.
Just out of the oven.
I thought these turned out pretty neat!
We haven't completely finished them. Here is a copy of the magazine page and how the finished product will look.


On to the "Tummies" portion of the title.....

We got some TCBY for our ride home from Kearney on Saturday and Addie informed me that whenever she eats "her tummy has a party"!


And later that day she told me that my stinky feet smell like tortillas.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hey Kid - No Peeing in the Pool!

Family Vacation

Last weekend we took a little trip to Omaha for a family vacation. Emma didn't have school on Friday so we left Friday morning and stopped in Lincoln for lunch at


(where else??)

The kids were not interested in getting close to Chuck. They picked the table that was as far away as possible from the stage.
Luke tried to sneak a peek, but you can tell by the look on his face that he was concerned with the huge, robotic, dancing, singing mouse .

Joe had never been to this wonderful establishment before. He was having a blast, can you tell?

After a delicious pizza, it was GAME TIME!

With the 200 tickets we won, the kids each picked out 2 prizes. They each got a mini tootsie pop, Addie got a slinkie that lasted all of 12 hours, Emma got a ring that she left at the rest stop 10 minutes later (a lot of tears were shed over the ring), and Luke got a spider that he threw away as soon as he got to the hotel in Omaha.

Next stop:

Coco Key

This is the kiddie pool where we spent most of our time.

These are other pictures of the water resort. It was very quiet Friday afternoon when we first got there. But Friday night and Saturday were crazy!

The girls wasted no time getting in the water. Luke watched for a long time before he decided to get in.
But once he did, he loved it!

Especially these fountains on the side.

The girls went down these slides at least 45 billion times. Luke would climb up there, but then just play. See Joe at the bottom telling him to come down? He never did. Except for the time I pushed him. He didn't like it.

Colin and Shelley Kramer met us at the water park on Saturday morning. This is Emma with Nathan. They also have an adorable little girl named Addie.

Riding on the Lazy River.
Saturday afternoon we hit the zoo. It was perfect weather for January.
Here are the girls in front of the Desert Dome.

Walking into the bat cave. I couldn't get out of here fast enough!

Addie sharing her knowledge of the dung beetle with Luke. I'm sure it was interesting.

Emma wanted to know everything about everything.

Walking on the bridge in the Jungle.

On Saturday night our friends, Brad and Heidi, met us at Coco Key. And they brought the gorgeous girls with them.
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and Ella.

We had pizza and played in our hotel room. This is Heidi and Zoe.

Awww.....they were asleep before their heads hit the pillows.

Emma is tired of me taking pictures!