Friday, March 28, 2008

Big Day for Luke...but even bigger for Joe

Luke got to ride in the tractor with Joe the other day. He loved it. Joe said he didn't move at all, just pointed at things once in awhile. I think Joe loved it even more! Luke has two words...dada and his version of tractor. Looks like we have a farmer on our hands.
I'm sure you can imagine how proud Joe is!

Beautiful Day Outside!

It was so nice last Tuesday so we spent some time at the park....

....checked the progress of our tulips.....
....and the girls rode their bikes.
Emma has a project this summer - learn to ride her bike without training wheels.
Luke was not happy about coming back inside!!

Happy Easter

Emma and I made Easter cookies last weekend.

The following pictures were taken by Emma. She was arranging them for each picture.

Easter Morning

Getting everyone to stand still for a picture is impossible at this point......

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Random Pictures of Luke

Favorite food: Mac and Cheese!!
...and chocolate chip pancakes!

The best sound in the world.....

Easter Egg Hunt 2

The Schultz's held their 3rd annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Circle. Tons of kids and tons of eggs.
Thank you, Joni!

BFFs Ainsley and Adeline

Still waiting.......

Front row seats for Emma's Homecoming!

Waiting for Emma....

On days that Addie and Luke are not sleeping at 3:30,
they are sitting by the front door waiting for Emma to get home.
Notice Addie's princess dress?
There she is!! On this particular day, they stood there and
talked for about 2 minutes -through the door. I'm not sure why no one wanted to open the door.

Work with me People!

I wanted one (ONE!) picture of the girls sitting so nice together. But do you think I could get both (read: Addie) to look at the camera?!? Not this time...

The Sweetest Thing

Who doesn't love to watch a baby sleep?

Look at those little baby feet......
And my favorite baby sleeping pose.....

Easter Egg Hunt

The Annual Easter Egg Hunt at the school!!

Here is Emma and the rest of the Kindergartens out in the front of the school.

Addie and Luke were in the gym. For this age group, they just throw chocolate eggs all over the floor and the kids run around picking them up. Luke had a ball at the Easter Egg Hunt.

How they change in just a week!

Addie, who is 3, has not been able to pronouce the 's' sound at the beginning of a word if there was a constanant following it. So snack = nack, snuggle = nuggle (my favorite), sleep = weep, etc. When we came back from Cabo, she had figured out how to pronouce these words. I don't think anyone taught it to her. But I miss those cute mispronunciations......

We bought the girls swimsuit cover ups and maracas. Luke also got a maraca and a t-shirt.Addie only modeled her coverup for a short time before she jumped back into her princess dress. When we are home Addie changes her clothes constantly. She is either wearing pajamas (with Disney Princesses on them of course) or dresses.
Check out Luke's hair. Wow it is shaggy!! It was the first thing I noticed about him. I got his hair cut a few days later and now he looks like Lloyd Christmas from Dumb and Dumber. No kidding!! The hairdresser had to make it quick because he was not a happy camper and the Dumb and Dumber look was the special of the day. I wish I had a good picture to show you, but I don't. When we returned from Cabo, we noticed he was walking and running so good. My sister also taught him to say "I don't know" with his hands. He holds both hands up and shrugs his shoulders a little. It's so cute.

Ashley - I want to give AlliKaye props on all her mad sign language skillz. I've been teaching Luke to sign 'please', but for now he just rubs his hips (with both hands at the same time -hilarious) or his diaper (also hilarious).

Just for the record, because someday I know I'll forgot this if I don't write it down now.....
Everyday Thoughts by Adeline M. Larson

Upon leaving the bathroom one day...."Well! My work here is done!".


Here are a few pictures from our trip to Cabo. There were 10 of us - 5 couples and 5 cameras - and we ended up with over 600 pictures! We were there for the first week of March. It was so beautiful. So relaxing and I felt like I had no responsibilities all week. Each day we would sleep in, eat a big breakfast, lay out by the beach - reading, sleeping, people-watching. Whenever we felt like it we'd walk down the beach to a restuarant and get something to eat. Then go back to the beach or our room for more reading or sleeping. There were a few afternoons we went to the little shops and walked around. There was also a mall near our resort. One afternoon the guys went golfing and the girls went to the spa. We would all get together in the evenings for supper. We all came back with great tans! And we were all ready to see our kids. But on the Monday after we got back, I came out of the shower to find Luke in the kitchen with a box of cereal spilled all over the floor, a cup of applesauce spilled, and he was chewing on a piece of leftover pizza he found in the trash. I called Joe to see if we could go back to Mexico.
It was a quick reality check back into the life of a mom!
Views from our room.

The 10 of us

Guys golf day by the ocean.

Mike and Nancy
Steph and Dave
Lona and Andy
Blake and Renee
Joe and I