Meet our new dog, Otis!
We adopted him from the Humane Society in Kearney a few weeks ago. He is a 10 month old black lab. Isn't he cute?? This is our first dog as a family. He has been really good with the kids. And except for a few minor problems - read below - he is a great dog!
I had to share this. . .This is something Addie did at PreSchool.
Emma's last day of 1st grade was May 8th.
Emma's last day of 1st grade was May 8th.
In the last couple of weeks, these two ducks have been living in the draw that runs along the south side of our house. It's a male and a female. I don't know much about ducks, but I'm surprised that they don't ever leave and that they stay together. Maybe we'll have ducklings someday??
Here is one of several landscaping projects we need to get started on. These are bricks to be used for the retaining walls under the deck. We are also going to use them for a terrace on the south side of the house.
Last week, a windbreak was planted on the north side of the house. Not much to see now, but it will be nice to have some big trees along here for protection from the long as Otis stops digging them up. Bad Dog!!
Last week, a windbreak was planted on the north side of the house. Not much to see now, but it will be nice to have some big trees along here for protection from the long as Otis stops digging them up. Bad Dog!!
Oh! Addie wants to be a teacher with crazy kids like her Auntie Ashley!! heheeh! And I want to see Otis...and the ducks!!
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